Board of Trustees

Meet the Board of Trustees of Family Promise of Hunterdon County, Inc.:

Warren Searles, Board President: Warren is Vice-President at Cassidy-Turley Commercial Real Estate.  He has been involved as a volunteer with his wife, Stephanie, for the 16 years they have lived in Hunterdon County though St Thomas Episcopal Church. They’ve hosted many different shifts at various churches and enjoyed the opportunity to serve as a volunteer and board member.  Warren says, “We’re very fortunate and blessed with a great family and support we can count on and we know that isn’t the case for everyone. We see this as an opportunity to give back and not just talk Christian but act Christian. It’s also a great experience for our kids, and we liked having them involved, as well.”

Laura Tonzetich, Vice President: Laura is an elementary school teacher who lives in Clinton with her husband and children. She has volunteered with Family Promise since 2010 and always enjoys sharing meals and fellowship with the guests. Laura was drawn to become more involved with the organization and hopes to make more of a contribution in helping these deserving families find the stability of permanent housing.

Eric Lathrop, Secretary: Eric is a Wealth Advisor at Insight Financial Services and has enjoyed living in and serving the Flemington community for the past 28 years.  He is on the board of other non-profits and has chaperoned and hosted dinners for Family Promise as a member of host congregation Calvary Bible Church.  “It is so important to be helping people, especially the homeless, who call on us in their time of need.”

Marc Andrews, Treasurer: Marc has worked in accounting/finance for large corporations in New Jersey most of his career.   He has lived in Whitehouse Station for 41 years and initially became involved with Family Promise through the Rockaway Reformed Church.  Marc’s wife, Gail was a volunteer coordinator for Family Promise and he was always happy to cook meals and sleep over when needed. “I am happy that my skills in finance will allow me to assist Family Promise.”

Brenda Jaffe, Member-at-Large:  Brenda has lived in Hunterdon County for 20 years. She is married with 3 adult children and works part time as a pharmacist at Atlantic Rehab Institute in Morristown NJ. Brenda has been a volunteer coordinator for Family Promise at Clinton United Methodist Church for the past five years. “I am very happy to become more involved with this great organization of dedicated people by serving on the board and really hope to make a positive contribution and help these families in need.”

Stephen Rothenburger, Member-at-Large: Stephen joined the Family Promise board in December, 2013. He is a microbiologist and associate director in Research and Development at Johnson & Johnson. Stephen has been involved with other non-profit organizations, and is particularly interested in volunteer development for Family Promise of Hunterdon County. “I am very happy to work with such a dedicated group of people in an organization providing important assistance for homeless families in our community.”

Christine Davies, MDiv, MSW, Member-at-Large: Christine is our newest board member. She is a New Jersey native and an ACPE-Certified Educator. She is ordained as a Minister of Word & Sacrament within the Presbyterian Church (USA). She holds a Master of Divinity degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Master of Social Work from Rutgers University. Prior to entering chaplaincy, Christine was a counselor for addiction and mental health. She has led the Chaplaincy Services department at NYU Langone Medical Center in NYC, was the CPE Coordinator at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center and a staff chaplain at Methodist Hospital in Philadelphia. Christine and her husband are raising two energetic sons.